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3 Day Silence Retreat

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Rest the body, observe the mind, listen for the voice within….

This 3 day intensive silence retreat is not for the weak at heart.  Over the 3 days, the majority of the time will be spent in meditation practice, both guided and silent.  Liz Velazquez, Spiritual Director at The Heart Center, will guide you through meditative exercises during periods of silence.  Participants are to refrain from speaking in any way during the retreat, except for periods of private consultation with Director.  Meals will be provided in the cafeteria and taken in silence while practicing mindfulness meditation.  Participants will have private moments of reflection and contemplation.  The primary goal of this retreat is for participants to experience, through observation and silence, ways to:

  •  Relax the body for meditation practice

  •  Quiet the mind without fighting the thoughts

  •  Listen and sense from within

  •  Feel more open and expansive

  • Deepen awareness of True Essence


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