Upcoming Events
Mother's Day Celebration
May 11th, 2-7 p.m.

Join us as we celebrate the nurturing and loving aspect of our Sacred Mother figures with relaxing yoga and meditation, a special Mother Earth activity, group energy healing, and delightful and tasty bites from the Sacred Choice Café.
Timeline of events coming soon.

Silent Retreat
June 21st-23rd
This guided, experiential, silence retreat is geared towards re-discovering the value of connecting and shifting our awareness to the sacred energy within us and all around us. Throughout the practice of Presence in Silence, Liz Velazquez, Facilitator and Restorative Channel, and Anna Pietkiewicz, Yoga Instructor, and culinary creative, will guide you through experiences and activities to help you restore your ability to sense and feel a deeper and more present connection to your inner being and the life around you.
Free Light on the Mountain Children's Camp
June 28th-30th

The Heart Center is very excited to be hosting the Light On The Mountain's struggling children's camp. This not for profit organization has provided these camps for several years, although COVID put a hold on the camps for three years, we are now ready to offer this incredible opportunity again. Children from ages
7-12 will participate in activities ranging from physical sports, camping, swimming, art, music, and adventure. For qualification requirements for these camps, please contact Liz Velazquez at (828) 498-2999.
Ongoing Events
"The Untethered Soul" by Micheal A. Singer from 7:00-8:30 p.m. via Zoom. English class- Reading, Discussion, and Practice.
A Course in Miracles from 9:00-9:30 p.m., via Zoom. Spanish Class, Reading, Discussion and Practice.
"Deja de ser tú" by Joe Dispenza from 3:00-4:30 p.m., via Zoom. Spanish Class– Reading, Discussion and Practice.
A Course in Miracles (every other Thursday) from 8:00-9:00 p.m., via Zoom. English Class, Reading, Discussion and Practice.
Fridays- Sundays:
Yoga and Meditation from 7:00-8:00 a.m.
Ongoing Women in Black Demonstrations

Greetings to All,
I wish to introduce to you this organization that The Heart Center is not only promoting and, also, joining in what I believe to be one of the most powerful movements of our time. This primarily female led movement, Womeninblack.org, that has been in place for many years, is one that demands peace in the world for our children, our loved ones, our neighbors and non-Neighboors all over the world, as well as, our planet, and, that simultaneously, we uproot the fallacy/illusion that in order to have peace we need to harm, eradicate, disrespect, control, subjugate, dominate, drug, or marginalize any group of people. That women, children, and men have to die, or shed blood for freedom, justice, and the right to peace and happiness. It is ever so clear now that this dualistic, divisive, selfish, greedy, and, most of all, fearful mindset is failing all of us.
In the words of John Lennon, “Imagine all the people living life in peace.”
Alexei Navalny, social activist and leader, who was recently killed in Russia for his stance on freedom and the right of people to be happy, said “You are powerful” “Do something.”
I join in this call to action! If you are for peace and see no other option for our survival, and recognize love as the answer for the future of humanity, then open up the conversation, wherever and whenever you can, stand firm in your conviction to see peace and love as the ultimate solution.
We, together as one, are able to make a new choice to visualize a new world order whose time has come.
Remember, “Together we stand, divided we fall!”
“Cease Fire Now”
“Cease Hostile Occupation”
“Cease Suffering Now”
“Cease Injustice Now”
All over the world!!
Past Events

Journey Into the Depth of Your Being - January 2022